Product Description

It’s the light switch you turn on and off just by blowing on it. The Magical Blow On/Off Light Switch also works if you flip up the switch with your hand like a normal switch (but why would you want to do that?) This light switch doesn’t screw into your wall like a regular switch, instead you plug a lamp or other appliance into it and prop it up wherever you want.
It basically lets you put a switch anywhere; so besides the novelty factor of a blow on light switch, it can also work as a sort of lamp switch extension cord. Put a switch next to your bed for a lamp that’s across the room. Cool stuff actually.
The Magical Blow On Blow Off Light Switch! With Built In Night Light! Can you imagine a magical light switch that turns your lamps On or Off by simply blowing on it, just like you would a candle? Can you imagine the convenience of placing a light switch anywhere in the room without installation- instantly? Can you imagine turning On or Off your lamps without having to look for the switch, which may be difficult to reach or find? We Did! The Magical Blow On Blow Off Light Switch technology is so new a U.S. Patent has been issued.
It's Easy To Use: 1. Plug any lamp, such as your bedside or living room lamp, into the Magical Light Switch. That's it! There's nothing more to do.
2. Place the Magical Light Switch on any tabletop that's convenient to you.
3. To turn On you lamp, simply blow on the Magical Light Switch.
4. To turn Off your lamp, blow on the Magical Light Switch again, it's amazing!
Great for Seniors who find it hard to reach for a traditional lamp switch or blindly try to find the line cord switch. Great for Kid's Rooms- Children love to blow out birthday candles. Imagine how much fun they will have blowing on or off the room lamp! It's magic! A conversation piece for any home or office and best of all, there is no installation required. The magic is built in. Extra Bonus Feature! The Magical Light Switch can also be used in the traditional manner, flipping it On or Off with your finger. When the room light is off, the Magical Light Switch has a built-in Night Light glow. Turn On Or Off Any Lamp Just By Blowing On It Like A Candle!